past work: nigeria: vigilantes of nigeria: VigilantesofNigeria_03

Barkin Ladi, Jos, Nigeria- A member of the Vigilante Group of Nigeria, Barkin Ladi Division, stands guard as other members are dropped off for checkpoint duty in Barkin Ladi, Nigeria. Growing animosity between ethnic groups coupled with a lack of security  has fomented this increase in violence in recent years. Despite the divisive chaos engulfing the Middle Belt of Nigeria, a group of multi-ethnic men and women, part of the Vigilante Group of Nigeria, are providing much needed security and trust to all groups affected by the conflict.

Barkin Ladi, Jos, Nigeria- A member of the Vigilante Group of Nigeria, Barkin Ladi Division, stands guard as other members are dropped off for checkpoint duty in Barkin Ladi, Nigeria. Growing animosity between ethnic groups coupled with a lack of security has fomented this increase in violence in recent years. Despite the divisive chaos engulfing the Middle Belt of Nigeria, a group of multi-ethnic men and women, part of the Vigilante Group of Nigeria, are providing much needed security and trust to all groups affected by the conflict.